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dc.contributor.authorAlam, Md. Mahe
dc.contributor.authorIslam, Md. Sirajul
dc.description.abstractThis papers presents viability of'study o.f hybrid system in power generation. Rapid reduction of fossil ./uel resources necessitated research on alternative energ),^ sources . A tvind-solar hybrid s!-stem a reliable energy source because if uses solar energ!- combined with wind energy to create a stand-alone energ!- source that is both dependable and reliable. Solar power or wind power alone can /luctucie, when used jointly they provide a reliable source o.f energy . The perfect solution i,t to combine these two fctrms of energy' sources to create a stable energy.flow. The main objectiveof this paperistostudy thefeasibility of'stand-alonesolar-wind hybrid power system and to maximize the use of renewable energlt resources while minimizing the total cost.en_US
dc.publisherSonargaon University (SU)en_US
dc.subjectHybrid Poweren_US
dc.subjectPower Generation Systemen_US
dc.titleA Study on The Performance of Hybrid Power Generation Systemen_US

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