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dc.contributor.authorTabassum, Tonny
dc.contributor.authorHasan, Mainul
dc.contributor.authorBegum, Latifa
dc.description.abstractThis Part-II of the manuscript reports on the unsteady two-dimensional numerical investigations of melting oJ'a para/fin wax (phase change mqterial, PCM) which melts over a temperature range of 8.7'C. The PCM is placed inside a circular concentric horizontal-finned annulus ./br the storage of'thermal energy. The inner tube is fitted with three longitudinal fins which are placed strategically near the bottom part of the annulus to accelerate lhe melting process. The non-dimensional conservation equations for mass, momentum, and energy are solved employing a staggered control-yolume based .finite difference method trsing the previously verified in-house CFD code. (lnder identical geometrical configuration and operating conditions, the melting characteristics of the finned annulus are compared with the anrutlus without Jins presented in Ref. [1J. The numerical results show thatthe average Nusselt number over the inner tube surface, the total melt fraction, the total stored energy all increased at evety time instant in the internally finned annulus compared to the annulus **ithotn./ins. This is due to thefact that in thefinned annulus, thefins at the lower part of the annulus promotes buoyancy-driven convection as opposed to the slow conduction melting that prevails at the bottom pqrt oJ'the plain annulus. Fins with two different heights have been considered. It is found that by extending the height oJ' the fin to 50% o.f the anntilar gap about 33.05o% more energy could be stored compared to the bare annulus at the melting time of 82.37 min.for the identical operating conditions. The el/bcts of.fins with dilferent heights on the temperature distribution are Jbund to be dffirent. The present study can provide some useful guidelines for achieving a better energ)) storage system and also can aid in the design/optimization of the shell-and-tube LHTES devi ces.en_US
dc.publisherSonargaon University (SU)en_US
dc.subjectEnthalpy-porosity techniqueen_US
dc.subjectStaggered grid.en_US
dc.titlePerformance Evaluation of Cement Industry of Bangladesh: A Case Study on Some Selected Firmsen_US

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