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dc.contributor.authorHasnat, A.
dc.contributor.authorQurishee, M. A.
dc.contributor.authorIqbal, I. T.
dc.contributor.authorZaman, M W
dc.contributor.authorWahida, M. F.
dc.description.abstractTraditional coarse materials like stone chips, brick chips are very costly. Httge amottnt of stone chips are being withdrawn regularly .from difJbrent sotrrces. As a result one day the amount of stone chips will be gradually ./inished possessing Ll great threat to the concrete construction sector. lndustries which use ferroalloys, .fabriccttes a large amount o.f slag as by product every- year. This iron slag deals with third class hazardous waste categoty that requires a large place.for dtrmping. Solid waste slag is transformable into resources Jbr sustainable construction w-orks which is also enyironment friendly. Perk of using low iron ,slag as coarse aggregate hqs immense e.//bct on both envirorunent and economy. By this means environmental polltttion due to the waste slag can be minimized significantly and also there will be a solution offilling the paucity oJ'nartu'al aggregate in the construction industrl;. In this paper we observed the strength properties of slag incorporuted concrete with di/ferent mix ratio. The proportion oJ'stone chips and slag used in this investigalion (ls coarse aggregctte are 100:0,90:10,80;20,70;30,60:40, 50:50,40.60, 30:70, 20:80, l0:90 and 0:100. Atotal of 396 specintens (4*4*4 cube) w*ere castu.singplainwater in norntal environmental teruperature and keptfor the periods of 7 days, 14 days, 2B days and 6 months respectively dtte to purposes. WC ratios were yaried as 0.60, 0.50 and 0.42 /br making 20MPa, 30MPa and 40MPa concrete respectivelv and compressiye as well qs tensile strength were evaluated a/ier specific exposure periods. The strength restrlts o/'the specimen provide some important informcttion regarding strength development ofslag-aggregate concrete as computed as conventional concrete.en_US
dc.publisherSonargaon University (SU)en_US
dc.subjectcoarse aggregateen_US
dc.subjectcompressive strengthen_US
dc.subjectcuring perioden_US
dc.titleEffectiveness of Using Slag as Coarse Aggregate and Study of its Impact on Mechanical Properties of Concreteen_US

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