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dc.contributor.authorAkter, T.
dc.contributor.authorWahid, Md. Ferdous
dc.contributor.authorSiddique, A.B.
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this reseLtrch was to delerutine the relationship betw,een contpressive strength of'cubes ctnd cylinders that were produced and cured in Laboratory- of Sonargaon Uflircrsih. The stud1, is based on the comparison of experimenta.l results behreen M-10, M-15 qnd M-20 grade concrete made with stone chips. Theoretical sttrdy was done on J'actors that a-ftbcr the v,orkability and gaining of strength of concrete. General slump testytas done.for ecrch of these three grades of concrete mix to determine wctrkability of concrele. Cylinder and cube specinterts were moulded in laboratoty and cured at preferred temperature and condition, and then cubes and cvlinders were tested at dilJbren.t ages to determine thei.r compressiye strength. The q;linder-to-cube strength ratio was .found to be a yalue of 0.80 and is slightl.v lov,er than the ctverage ratio of 0.87 obtained by researchers in other countries (Rong, W'.H., 2012). It is also found that, in everage, the strength of Cube specimen is 1.25 times stronger than Cylinder specimen. According lo determined results .further recommendations and limitations are also assorteden_US
dc.publisherSonargaon University (SU)en_US
dc.subjectCompressive Strengthen_US
dc.subjectStrength Ralioen_US
dc.subjectDifferent ratio of ingredientsen_US
dc.titleStrength Variation of Concrete Between Cylindrical and Cubical Specimen Due to Various Proportion of Ingredientsen_US

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