Gesture control (Gyroscope) based transmitter unit and voice module based received station with Arduino UNO and Arduino Nano and other sensors
The hand gestures can be used to represent various signs with the help of the flex sensors.
The gesture representation includes the movements such as angle bends and direction
changes. The flex sensors which are fitter over fingers acquire their Dynamics. The voltage
signals corresponding to the bend of flex sensors will then be processed by microcontroller .
The processed signal will be sent to voice module and produce the appropriate voice words
with the help of the speaker. In this society the number of disabled patients are increasing and
there is no one to take care of them a patients required a caretaker to continuously monitor
which is not always possible due to social or financial circumstances so to minimize
caretakers requirement and increase the comfort level of the patients here we have proposed
and automatic bed position control system for disable patients. The bed positioning is also
controlled by different hand gestures.
- 2015 - 2020 [80]