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dc.contributor.authorRahman, Mahbubur
dc.contributor.authorHossain, Md. Mostofa Hossain
dc.description.abstractThe abitity to predict the behavior of a turbine engine and optimize its performance is important in economic, thermal and condition obseruation studies. Fouling is one of the maior sources oJ compressor deterioration. So, the paper presents an analysis of the ffictiveness of online and olfline compressor washing using numerous puriQ grade waters and industrial washing detergents. Fri* go, turbine ixial compressor blades fouling dirt of blade.surface **as obtctined at numerous fielisites. To see the composition and consistency of typical blade surlace fouling materials the dirt was analyzed. An exemplaty dirt formulq and blade coating procedtrre "was finnttlated so comparative tests can be performed using numerous cleanup fluids' To see the ,opibitity or benefits i7 ony liquid a spray iozzle upstream of _the btade test section was used for ctlaning btades withfive totaily dffirent cleaning liquids. In dffirent residue experiments the imp"act of high-purity water yersus regular water on fouling dirt was coniointly studied' Results showed that an important means oJ-cleaning compressor blade is spraying cleaning.fluid into a Jlowing oir stream. Every of the Jlitds w,ere ready to clean the test blade at each lov' and high iir velocities and at toialiy different blecle incident angles. The Results shou'ed that "Jn pr"rro, blade washing is primariiy a mechanical work and does not rely on the kind of .fluid ,r"i yo, washing. The reiulti also showed that almost all of the cleaning happens shortlv when the cieaning Tuia x introduced into the flow stream. As the cleaning fluid is evaporated, the dirt aloof ./ioi the blades might redeposit in dffirent areos' To optimize the performance o.f turbine engines, it is therifore suggestetl that operators ought to pen_US
dc.publisherSonargaon University (SU)en_US
dc.subjectOff-line nozzle systemen_US
dc.titleA Review on Renovation of Gas Turbine to Improve Efficiency by using compressor water washen_US

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