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dc.contributor.authorAli, Md. Hosan
dc.contributor.authorHossain, Belal
dc.contributor.authorIslam, Mir Md. Ariful
dc.contributor.authorIslam, Md. Rafiqul
dc.contributor.authorKashem, Md. Mir
dc.description.abstractVoice is utilized in this project for control doors or gates or any other security system. The reason for selecting a voice is because it's simply being reproduced by a human. Besides that, usage of voice provides a smart system that will be effective and convenient to be used. It allows the consumer to control his home security & it facilitates several conditions. It involves the management and automation of security. The voice controlled smart locking system has the ability to control the locking system like gate or door using a Smartphone Application with Bluetooth Wireless Technology , Microcontroller & Servo motor. Smartphone application and Bluetooth wireless technology take input voice data from humans, then this data sends to microcontroller. Microcontroller analyzing the audible signal to determine whether it matches the voiceprint stored in memory. The microprocessor executes the command instruction to control the function of the device if a match has been found. The servo motor is used to lock/ unlock the security system with the help of a microcontroller command. The design is a low cost, flexible and using modern technology. The system has been built and operated successfullyen_US
dc.publisherSonargaon Universityen_US
dc.subjectVoice controlled Smart Locking Systemen_US
dc.titleAn Experimental Study on Voice controlled Smart Locking Systemen_US

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