dc.description.abstract | *Online Cineplex Rent and Ticket Management system" is the selling of cinema tickets and
complex rental services over an electronic network, primarily the internet. These business
transactions occur either as business.to-business, business-to-c. on Consumer. The terms e-ticketing and
e-rental are often used interchangeably. The tenn e-ticketing is also sometimes used in reference
to bookiag or buying processes for onliae ticketing,
This project provides the user with a category of different running movie tickets with various
categories available for purchase in the store. In order to make &e purchase happen, a ticketing
cart is available to the user. The features that are provided by the website are Customers aud
Admins regisEation which means & ey can create account and log in, ticketing cart, movie
searching, payment options and interacting facilities through email or message in mobile phone.
This rystem is based on a 3-tier apgroacb wi& a kckend database, a middle tier of Apache web
server and Object oriented PHP ia laravel Framework, and a web browser as &e front end client.
The tools used for this project include PIIP in Laravel Framework, HTMLS, CSS and JavaScript
as programming language and MySQL for backead database. The ER diagr,ams of the system and
use case model were developatl.
Thus, Online Cineplex Rent aad Ticket Management system ean be one of tlie best models for
purchasing tickets and rental service online in the modem world. When a customer will visit our
website he will get all the movies show time, arranged in sysfematic way. He will be ablE to see
movie details as well as the process. In the menu bar there will be Home, Moyies,
Tickesr Rental and About. However, for the proper functionality he or she has to login. In the
login page k will get sign ia or siga up option- The customer can register in this site with email
ard basic information. After login the customer will get some exta feature and it is unique in our
ud aplication In our web application the cusilomer will get fi*l access to check &e status of the
prchasing tickets and can be coafrrmed after gefiing auto generated online ticket. | en_US |