Diagnostic Center BiII Management System
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Rahman, Md. Hafizur
Eity, Esrat Jahan
Rupa, Kanij Farjana
Hanif, B. M.
Shawan, Akramul Haque
Show full item recordAbstract
Diagnostic Center BiII Management System IDCBMS] is a web based online project. The
maic airn of,the prsject is to store the bilting i*fonnation of,the test details in a hospit*l or a
clinic DCBMS is an intranet based private web application. The objective of the pmject work is to
devclop effmtive so*nrare for rnai*aining the i*form*tion rel*img ts the bitl det*its. This
project is completely meau driven and user &iendly.
It gives &tails about rlar;ss t*s fm 1xtie*ts ard purchase wtl*n, In additimu it hs a
provision for generating rryorts in different formats and hence reports are useful in strategic
and taotie decision-making .The uhimate aim of irnplemonting ttris pro.iect is to automate the
BilI Managemeat System of tte Gonoern. TotaIIy tlris projrct is towards inducing complete
Billing thror*gh eornputer wi& rmximrm user-interaction aad error&ee inforrr*tien.
Thme are outpetie,tt dryrtme*, iryatitr de,parmen{ rtnsing s&tionso bilting csw$ern
pharmacies" central. drug storeq diagnosic center, ambulance" intensive care units, operation
theatres, emergency wad, mortntry, patient rrxlrn management, staff management and
training departunents. Each rd€partnrffit has its own rnimagcr and few staff giveir ta it ta
nreftrgeib oprdio*s.
AII staffare traine.d to use the lrealthcue software provided by the m*negerne*t. The staffcan
never *fiiord to forg* data entry m o*rerwise ttey will net h able to futfill t]re.ir duties wittl
appropriate inputs.
- 2015 - 2020 [37]