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dc.contributor.authorIslam, K M Safiqul
dc.description.abstractWe con c:onsicler the energl, efficient:1, through the studv of modern sttpply chain managentent. The principal ob.jec:tive o/'this puper i,s to implentent the use of-green energ): instead o/'regular energy in prctcluctiotl proce.\,t. We sttrch: hou, the ttse o.f'green enet'gv can be un alternutit'c Sollt.ce of energy_ in large prcldttclion .\ector. In otu. Sl.tLd1, 1figr. ore two nlant/rtctttrers ttntl the prohlent is fbrmulatecl usirtg gome theory'. Here, ht,o munuf.actures clecicle v'ltether thel' procluce green energ)' cutcl use it./br prodttt1ion or not. If thel: clec'ide to procfirce, they neecl to design the production slructlu'e like procluction rate, protluction quantity, productiort cost crncl so lbrth.. Our mctdel shotts thot productiort oJ- green energy is rtrore cost effbctit,e ancl environtnentctl ./i.ientlly though the green production, vvhich does not shrnr the contit'tttous incrett,sing behovior of pro/itabilit.v-. It ma,v happen sometimes that the montt/dctttrer prodrt.ce.t less gt"een energl,ancl use it.fbr overoll procltLction. As a result, to build the stt'tLcttrre oJ the Moclel,ccu.eful stepsareneecled.Tlreresultsof ourresearchshov,thotuseo/'greenenergf is ntore ecoJriendl.v- ancl its marltet effect is p,tsitive.en_US
dc.publisherSonargaon University (SU)en_US
dc.subjectGreen Productionen_US
dc.subjectGante Theoryen_US
dc.subjectMarket Eqilibriumen_US
dc.titleStudy and Analysis of Production Management using Renewable Energy for Sustainable Developmenten_US

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