IOT Based Automatic Parking Management System
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AIi, Md. Rayhan
Zahan, Md. Soroar
Mahbub, Md. Khalid
BaIa, Mani
Show full item recordAbstract
It has been great pleasure for us to develop *IOT Based Automatic Parking Management
System'. We have gathered sufficie,nt knowledge and experience during this project.
It was a great pleasure to study and work with many gifted people who influenced us in many
ways. First of all, we would like to thank our project Supervisor Bakir Hossain, Lrcturer,
neptrment of Computer Science and Engined.g, Sonargaon University, who guided us to
prop€r malysis of the system and helped to develop an elegant and efficient system.
He dm not only gave us the great idea, but also encouraged us to seek out the clearest and
d€ep€$t description of theoretical ideas as well as experimental findings. I am very grateful to
him for his continuous support advice and guidance.
CIrr ryecial thanks goes to course coordinator and entire deparffnent teachers who helped us
relentlessly and we want to thank our vice chancellor sir for his moral support.
We would like to thailk our entire course mate in Sonargaon University, who took part in this
di*uss while completing the course work.
Finally, we would like to convey my distinctive thanls to my parents whom have always given
me fiemendous Support. Without their love and encouragement I would not had achieve this far.
- 2015 - 2020 [37]