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dc.contributor.authorIslam, Khondoker Saiful
dc.description.abstractThe important consideration of theory and practical base study Basic Phenomenon of Power Plant and Its Protection System In this study we consider the electical energy that produced in the generating station and confrol generated power and transmission of power from one place to another and finally the power distibution among the consumers. The operation of electric power distribution systems and associated major apparatus are presented. the content include principles of power system, cabling systems, electrical power system protection and coordination, instruments and meters, operational procedure and electrical utilization systems. Actually transmission line is a part of distribution system and line loss is also taken to considerationen_US
dc.publisherSonargaon University (SU)en_US
dc.subjectPower Planen_US
dc.subjectProtection Systemen_US
dc.titleBasic Phenomenon of Power Plant and its Protection Systemen_US

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