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dc.contributor.authorIslam, BBA-210347
dc.description.abstractWith the worldwide fast extension of Islamic banking, Bangladesh has experienced extraordinary development in Islamic banking taking after solid public demand for the framework. Since its beginning in 1983, Islamic banking industry has recorded strong execution and the industry presently accounted for more than twenty percent share of the whole banking industry in Bangladesh. In spite of the fact that Islamic banking industry in Bangladesh has accomplished more than 20 percent yearly growth, the industry has gigantic possibilities for assist extension as Bangladesh may be a Muslim larger part nation with a dynamic economy of 6 percent genuine financial development over the last decade. To procure the full potentials of Islamic banking, it is imperative to assess the present status of Islamic banking industry in Bangladesh. This Internship report has investigated and depicted the present status of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited and it also assessed its comparativeperformance related to financial growth and risk management over the last five years. To achieve the objectives of this report, required information have been collected from the secondary sources and financial ratio analysis approach has been applieden_US
dc.publisherSonargaon University (SU)en_US
dc.subjectFinancial Growth and Risk Analysisen_US
dc.titleFinancial Growth and Risk Analysisen_US

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