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dc.contributor.authorAmin, Md. Ruhul
dc.contributor.authorHossain, Md. Sakhawad
dc.contributor.authorSumon, Ibna Al Zahid
dc.contributor.authorRashid, Harun Or
dc.description.abstractThe "Support Ticket Management System" project has been implemented to reduce manual work and increase the accuracy of the work of Internet service providers. This system makes the work of customers and internet service providers easier. Internet users of all these organizations can get services by using this software at home. This software is built on a user-friendly interface. So that, an internet organization can easily add and delete customer entries and easily manage all transactions. This project is also designed with full consideration to help the users in a simple way without wasting any unnecessary time and also has the advantage of using the mobile app. The system can be applied to large Internet service providers, where customers can use the system from their homes to solve any problems on their Internet lines. Internet service providers and Internet users will also be able to exchange bills using a variety of simple methods. The customer can get the solution of any problem by simply clicking on the internet line and if there is any complaint, he can also record it. With the help of our simple app, users will be able to see which person will solve the problem on the internet line and will be able to rate and comment by writing in the app. This system will reduce the unnecessary hassle of internet service providers and internet users as well as completely reduce the waste of time as well as get a digital service. Many internet service providers manually record their customer's new line connection and which customer's line problem or may not be able to provide service on time. Because managing such a business is very difficult. In order to provide customer service manually, keep information of internet service providers and internet users as well, especially if the customer has paid the monthly internet bill, you will get many simple solutions of such information through our online services and apps. We believe that this software and app will be very helpful in serving many popular internet service providers and internet users.en_US
dc.publisherSonargaon University (SU)en_US
dc.subjectInternet serviceen_US
dc.titleSupport Ticket Management Systemen_US

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