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dc.contributor.authorDutta, Protiva
dc.contributor.authorNite, Nahin Reza
dc.contributor.authorKarmakar, Rupon
dc.description.abstractOnline Library Management System is a system which maintains the information about the books present in the library, their authors, the members of library to whom books are issued, library staff and all. This is very difficult to organize manually. Maintenance of all this information manually is a very complex task. Owing to the advancement of technology, organization of an Online Library becomes much simple. The Online Library Management has been designed to computerize and automate the operations performed over the information about the members, book issues and returns and all other operations. This computerization of library helps in many instances of its maintenances. It reduces the workload of management as most of the manual work done is reduced.en_US
dc.publisherSonargaon University (SU)en_US
dc.subjectAutomated Libraryen_US
dc.subjectManagement Systemen_US
dc.subjectOnline Library Managementen_US
dc.titleDesign and Implementation of an Automated Library Management Systemen_US

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