Industrial Product Distinguisher With Modern Control System
For distinguishing object in industry optical sorting is very much convenient. Color and size
are the most important features for accurate classification and distinguishing of product
which can be done by using some optical sensors or analyzing their pictures. The color
distinguishing machine is mainly a device that can sense the different color of the object and
distinguish them in their right place. There is an unloading box to unload the product. When
any object keeps on the unloading box the color sensor will sense the color of that product
and then as the input devices color sensor will send signal to microcontroller where Arduino
is a microcontroller will give command to stepper motor and servo motor to do action. The
final result was quite satisfactory. The color detecting sensors worked well and it is able to
detect blue, pink & green object quite nicely. The system performed well as programmed and
detects the object according to their color
- 2015 - 2020 [80]