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dc.contributor.authorIslam, Md. Nurul
dc.contributor.authorIslam, Md. Zahidul
dc.contributor.authorRahman, Md. Mahbubur
dc.description.abstractThe study was coaducted in the Deparffirent of Civil Engineering at Soaargaon Uaiversity Bangladesh with the objectives to prepare a prcject and &esis with a view to partial firlfillment of &e requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in Ciyil Eaglneering. The work is possible for unconditianal co-operatiou of many people. Structural Design of a building is the responsibility of a civil engineer. Engneer must keep in mind the economie, aesthetics, safety and otber aspects of any Foject. This study concenffaies on Canstructisn Methort of Cast in Situ Pite. Pile foundations are the part of a structure used to carry and transfer the ioad of flre structure to the bearing ground located at some depth below grorurd surface to avoid excess settlements ar lateral moyements. There are many gpes of pile foundations availably construct in Bangladesh like concrete pile, timber pile, steel pile etc. The cotrcrete pile construction is classifled into two types' pre-cast pile and cast-in-situ. The construction of bored cast- in-situ concrete piles is formed by drilling and auguring aad &en reinforcemeat is placed and concrete is poured into the hoie. For bored cast in-situ piies foundation in stiffclays, the toe of the hole cari be enlarged by under-reaming to provide greater end bearing capacrty for the piles. Generally in clay sail or cohesive soil friction flle is preferred to transfer the load thauglr the ground and in cohesion iess soil end beariag pile is conskueted. There are different types of boring process in Bangladesh. Amoag the process wash boring is commonly used. In this process a holiow steel pipe known as casing pipe is frstly driven. Then a watsr jet plpe is lower to produced water jet action. In Bangladesh, another rnethod widely used known as percussion method. In this method by chopping boring is forward into &e soil. In both procedures steel casing is used to protect collapsing the loose soii. -{fter boring the re-bar case is lowered and poured by tremie casting method. Gradually colrcrete is goiug down into the pile and mud slury is flush out. To avoid hose slurry one or two meter concrete is flushed at the end of casting. Finally all &fllmg assembly is removed from pile location.en_US
dc.publisherSonargaon University (SU)en_US
dc.subjectPile foundationsen_US

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