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dc.contributor.authorMd. Assaduzzaman, BME-200381
dc.contributor.authorDas, Hirdoy
dc.contributor.authorHasan Bappy, Md Hasebul
dc.contributor.authorHasan, Md. Naser
dc.contributor.authorDay, Jewel Chandro
dc.description.abstractChemical contact with eye can cause severe ocular damage leading to blindness. Treatment of on ocular burn can be sever and difficult to manage. New designs of eye wash stations have been developed in which the direction of water flow from the fountain has been reversed, with two water streams originating in both eyes and flowing toward the temporal side of each eye.The purpose of this thesis is to provide guidance to users on the need for proper emergency eyewash equipment to mitigate injury from chemical splash and ocular incidents. Eye wash minimum flow rate 1.5 L/min.Typical eyewash stations will provide equal amounts of fluid to both eyes at a rate adequate enough to rinse the eyes for 15 minutes.This project flow rate 5L/min. This flow is perfect for the eye.The unit has to be installed between 33 inch and 45 inch above the wall. which can detect a human face and 6 inches away from the wall. Flushing water must be able to maintain its flush for a minimum of 15minutes.With this project automatic emergency eye wash can be done.we have used here ultrasonic sensor. When human face in come front of sensor the motor automatically turn on and water spray in eye. This system is very easy & workable.The mechanical structure of emergency eye wash is designed in such way that user can use it very easily. Main characteristics of this machine are protable and ultrasonic sensor baised whose sensitivity and accuracy is very highen_US
dc.publisherSonargoan Universityen_US
dc.subjectStudy of Fabricationen_US
dc.subjectEmergency Eye Washen_US
dc.titleStudy of Fabrication of Emergency Eye Washen_US

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