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dc.contributor.authorAriful Islam, BME-220562
dc.contributor.authorRahman, Md. Mizanur
dc.contributor.authorMasud Rana, Mohammad
dc.description.abstractElectrical power is the most crucial issue in the modern world. Combination of different but complementary energy generation systems based on renewable energies or mixed is known as hybrid system. In this paper a hybrid power system is designed with wind energy and hydro power source using solar and wind source. This system is control by Arduino Nano Micro-controller. All of this power store in a battery. In this paper we discuss about a hybrid power generator system. The analysis shows the optimal solution and the limits of the investment costs required for the system construction. The presented results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed approach, which could be assumed as a very useful tool in the design and analysis of a hybrid power generation systemen_US
dc.publisherSonargoan Universityen_US
dc.subjectSolar & Wind Turbine Hybrid Power Generationen_US
dc.titleSolar & Wind Turbine Hybrid Power Generationen_US

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