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dc.contributor.authorSharmin Sultana, BME-220590
dc.contributor.authorSumi, Nurun Nahar
dc.description.abstractInternet of Things (IOT) devices are exposed to many advanced vulnerabilities and various new inventions Bangladesh has agriculture as its primary occupation. Economy of the country highly depends on Agricultural productivity. To increase productivity controlling of Pest infestation plays an important role. Many kinds of pests can hurt plants as they grow. Sprayers are machines used for Pests removal. An automatic sprayer is one of the prominent forms of pest removal. Smaller spraying machines commonly Known as portable sprayers are solely used for Pest removal in agricultural fields, in our country, most of the farmers have small croplands and that's why they don't preferto purchase of Pesticide Sprayer. So, we in this paper design and fabricate a good efficient, low-cost Pesticide Sprayer. The special type of powered Pesticide sprayer is designed and constructed to remove the Pests. The foremost benefits of our product were, they must reduce labor cost similarly in quantity of labors, consume less time to remove the pests, Easy and Simple to operate and handling should be comfortable for farmers. It should be faster than the traditional method of removing pests.en_US
dc.publisherSonargoan University(SU)en_US
dc.subjectAutomatic Nozzle Sprayen_US
dc.subjectKilling Insects/Pest From Agricultural Landen_US
dc.titleDesign and Construction of Automatic Nozzle Spray For Killing Insects/Pest From Agricultural Landen_US

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