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dc.contributor.authorMd. Arif Ahammad, BME-220607
dc.contributor.authorIslam, Md. Samiul
dc.contributor.authorUllah Khan, Md. Sifat
dc.contributor.authorHoque, Mirazul
dc.description.abstractNuclear power plants can provide cheap electricity, with smaller amount of global problems than fossil-fueled power plants. In the future, as nuclear technology is moving forward, more advanced technologies will be available. These new technologies will bring nuclear power plants close to sustainable electricity generation. However, nuclear power is not the solution to cover the electricity demand in long term. Chapter one, important aspects of nuclear physics for nuclear plant technology are explained. In a fission process, as an atom splits to form two new atoms, it goes from more loosely bound nucleus to two more tightly bound nuclei. A chain reaction refers to a process in which neutrons released in fission produce a additional fissions in at least one further nucleus. Fission energies, fission products as waste explained here. The probabilities like fission, neutron capture or kinetic energy exchange between colliding parts (scattering) are defined as the cross section of a nucleus for that particular reaction. Radioactivity measurements, biological affects of radiation also explained here. Chapter two, the source-end of nuclear fuel cycle is introduced .Physics of operating a nuclear reactor is explained. Nuclear power reactor like Uranium–fuelled Reactor, Plutonium-fuelled Reactor, Light water (PWR) boiling water reactor (BWR) are explained here. Fission process from nuclear to thermal explained here. Heat generation, control facilities also explained. Chapter three, Current and future technologies are presented in third chapter with reasonable detail. Basic concept of power are reactors also explained here. Components of nuclear reactors, coolant system, different reactors with some reactors comparison has explained. Refueling of reactor also explained here. Advanced reactors also explained here in detail.en_US
dc.publisherSonargoan University(SU)en_US
dc.subjectNuclear Power Plant Systemen_US
dc.titleA Study On Nuclear Power Plant Systemen_US

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