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dc.contributor.authorMd. Rayhan Hossen, BME-220653
dc.contributor.authorHowlader, Md. Alamin
dc.contributor.authorHossain, Md. Shamim
dc.contributor.authorIslam, Md. Anwarul
dc.contributor.authorRahman, Md. Ziaur
dc.description.abstractThe global warming and energy crisis have become most important environmental problems of this twenty-first century. To overcome these problems, scientists have worked on inventing different devices to lessen this impact. Refrigerators used in daily life are one of the indispensable tools. Uninterrupted power should be supplied to the refrigerators in order to maintain cooling service. Domestic refrigerator may be operating continuously to maintain proper food storage condition. The continuous operation of this equipment accounts more electrical consumption. A significant amount of waste heat is rejected by the condensers of refrigerator. This project work is based on the simulation, optimum designing as well as finding out the economic feasibilityen_US
dc.publisherSonargoan University(SU)en_US
dc.subjectDesign and Fabricationen_US
dc.subjectCompression Refrigeration Systemen_US
dc.titleDesign and Fabrication of Compression Refrigeration Systemen_US

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