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dc.contributor.authorRobin, Md. Shahin Mia
dc.contributor.authorAdhikary, Sajib
dc.contributor.authorFardous, Jannatul
dc.contributor.authorHossain, Nazmul
dc.contributor.authorAmin, Al
dc.description.abstractProject-Thesis Management System is a cloud-based system by which research-based institutions like universities, colleges, and other institutions can assign, trace, and publish all the tasks of a project thesis. With our system, a team can organize all of the details of a work in one place, share feedback and progress, and ultimately collaborate more effectively. It also establishes communication between students and supervisors. Thinking of a project or thesis as a collection of tasks to accomplish a specific goal. Our system can help a team plan, manage, and execute work in order to meet a project or thesis requirements on time. The main purpose of this system is to develop an online communication platform between supervisors and students. For example, we can say during COVID-19 when an online-based education system created a great challenging environment in the field of education. In that case, if we had a project-thesis management system, it would have solved our project and thesis management problems. A supervisor or admin can get a clear idea about the completed projects and also ongoing projects and theses. The system’s public website is for all, where completed projects and theses will be published for reading or analysis.en_US
dc.publisherSonargaon University (SU)en_US
dc.subjectManagement Systemen_US
dc.subjectProject-Thesis Managementen_US
dc.titleSystem Design and Implementation of Project-Thesis Management Systemen_US

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