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dc.contributor.authorSajib, Md.Salek Hossain
dc.contributor.authorMia, Rubel
dc.contributor.authorIslam, Md.Rakibul
dc.contributor.authorAsik, Md.Faysal Ahamad
dc.contributor.authorHossain, Mukul
dc.description.abstractBangladesh is a developing country and 83% of the foreign currency comes from the garment sector. Garment export business is a vital issue for our country. To upgrade the position in the ranking and make the position strong in the world contest, we have to compete with world class competitors with maintaining 100% quality. So, we have to ensure that our production processes are the best and always in continuous development and also capable of producing best quality product. This project work represents a study on defects in the sewing lines of a garments factory by Pareto chart, cause effect diagram and six sigma to find out the major defects and their percentage and also find out the defect standard level with the help of total amount of defects per million garments. It is studied in “Talisman Limited” which is a 100% export oriented woven garment factory. The work has been done in the sewing section for our project purpose and data of two months‟ has been collected to analyze the defects by Pareto chart and identify six major defect positions where 78.66% of total defects occur. After that we worked in separate line to find out the defect condition. We observed sewing defects in case of Women Blouse. After Pareto analysis, it was analyzed 6 common major defects and causes of these defects. Then it was shown by cause effect diagram and given some recommended remedies for these causes. After analysis sigma level has been determined through sigma calculator and level was 3.3 for two production lines, where women blouses were being sewed.en_US
dc.subject: Cause Effect Analysis, Defects, DPMO, Pareto Chart, Quality, Sigma Calculator.en_US
dc.title“Major Defects Analysis in Garments Industry through Pareto Chart and Six Sigma”en_US

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