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dc.contributor.authorRashid, Md. Harun-Or
dc.contributor.authorBhuyan, Sumon
dc.contributor.authorFaruk, Mohammad Faisal
dc.contributor.authorShahabuddin, Md.
dc.description.abstractNow-a-days Textile field becomes very competitive & the buyer wants 110% quality product. To produce a quality product, as a textile engineer, we must have a vast knowledge about the production parameters & how to produce a high-quality product. To accommodate the theoretical study with technical and practical things industrial training (Internee) is very important. In our training period we have observed that Masco Industries Ltd. produce high quality fabric and fulfill the special requirements from the different types of buyers by following different internationally recommended standard method. In our training period we have learned many things such as different types of machines and their functions, techniques of productions and the management system. In this training period we have also learned how the desired product is made ready for shipment from the starting to the end i.e. from merchandising to the packaging. In this training period we have got an idea about the responsibility of different departments of the factory. So, we think this industriaen_US
dc.subjectProduction; Accommodation; Textile; Engineeren_US
dc.titleIndustrial Attachment At Masco Industries Ltd.en_US

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