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dc.contributor.authorMiazee, Md. Al Amin
dc.contributor.authorZakaria, N.M.G.
dc.description.abstractShip motions are defined by the six degrees offreedom that a ship, boat or any other craft can experience. Heave and pitch are linear and rotational ship motions which are vety important in case of regular head waves. This paper presents the prediction of heaye and pitch motion of ship in regular head waves. The heaving and pitching motions of a Qpical ship model are predicted theoretically. Comparison is made between theoretical prediction and experimental results for each vessel. For the validation of the result, a model of series 60 ship has been taken. Heave and pitch motion results have been compared with experimental and other numerical results. A reasonable prediction has been found for this model. A fine destroyer and fuller bulk carrier haye been taken also to check their motion results at various Froude numbers. It has been found that the predicted result computed by the present program gives very close to experimental results for the ship with wide range of block cofficient from 0.5 to 0.8.en_US
dc.publisherSonargaon University (SU)en_US
dc.subjectShip Motionen_US
dc.subjectRegular Wavesen_US
dc.subjectLinear Strip Theoryen_US
dc.titleShip Motion Prediction in Regular Head Wavesen_US

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