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dc.contributor.authorSiddika, Ayesha
dc.contributor.authorSiddiqa, Mst. Ayesha
dc.contributor.authorAkter, Sonia
dc.contributor.authorFariha Taj, Fowzia
dc.description.abstractA rooftop garden is a type of green space that is built on the roof of a building. It can range from small container gardens to large, fully landscaped areas, providing numerous benefits to both the building and the environment. Rooftop gardens can help to mitigate urban heat island effects, improve air quality, and reduce storm water runoff. They can also provide food and recreational space for building residents or employees. To create a rooftop garden, various factors such as weight capacity, water and electricity availability, and plant selection need to be considered. Proper installation and maintenance are also critical to ensure the safety and longevity of the rooftop garden. Overall, rooftop gardens are a valuable addition to urban landscapes and can offer significant benefits to the community and the environment. The Rooftop Garden web project aims to provide an innovative platform that connects house owners and customers who are interested in rooftop gardening.en_US
dc.publisherSonargaon University (SU)en_US
dc.subjectWeb Platformen_US
dc.titleRooftop into a Thriving Garden with Innovative Web Platformen_US

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