dc.description.abstract | After the term World Wi de Web was instituted in 1990, web application advance mentencountered a colossal blast. Static HTML pages developed into dyna mic, complex business
applications. The Internet has opened up another skyline for exchange and trade, in particular
electronic Commerce ( web based business). Web based business involves the utilization of
the Internet in the showcasing, distinguishing proof, installment and conveyance of
merchandise and enterprises.
There is no lack of best down research disclosing t o us that the ecommerce advertise is
tremendous, becoming t o a great degree quick, and hinting at no backing off. As per sources
like “e Marketer”, ecommerce is the main trillion- dollar industry developing at a t wofold
di git rate every year. What’s more, wit h the US Census Bureau assessing t hat just 7% of
retail deals are done on the web, ecommerce still has a great deal of runway for devel opment.
In this project I have created a dyna mi c E-shoppi ng Website by using moder n web
devel opment fra me wor k and also set up it in a live server for furt her potential testi ng and
devel opi ng. Whi ch can all ow us to manage t he invent ory syste m, advanced shoppi ng cart
syste m, user manage ment syste m, shop different pr oducts through onli ne pay ment gat e way
and l ots more dyna mi c functi onality? Duri ng t his project development process, I have done
lots of research on existing Eco mmerce web applications and busi ness. Whi ch allow me t o
devel op and i mpl e ment a dyna mi c E-shoppi ng web application and its business aspects. | en_US |