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dc.contributor.authorPurno, Quazi Faisal Bari
dc.contributor.authorHossain, , Quazi Sazzad
dc.description.abstractDriver behavior has a great effect in controlling the traffic in any country. In today's life, every human is in hurry to reach their destination like home, ffice, college, shopping mall, restaurants etc. as quickly as possible. To reach their destination quickly people use vehicles on road use and drive them infaster mode, which results in road accidents. Driver behavior is a major cause for the road accidents. It is hnown to all that most of the people of Khulna city in Bangladesh are having poor livelihood. This lifestyle often leads the poor people to seekfor better chances. As non-motorized vehicle driving is a good option for them as it doesn't need any license or better skill to driye and it is also an ffictive available option for them, the number of drivers as well as non-motorized vehicles are increasing day by day in Khulna metropolitan city area. The mainfact is that people of any age having any experience orwithout experience can drive a non-motorized vehicle. That's why the controlling issue of this vehicles have risen a lot of questions in the mind of the general people as well as trffic controlling authorities. This study focuses on the behavior of drivers having any age in Khulna city, the controlling process of the behavior and to reduce the amount of trffic congestion and accident caused by the uncontrolled behavior of trffic in Khulna metropolitan city. Accidental data was collected at several points in Khulna city and questionnaire suruey was also done at several locations among the road users as well as the drivers. From the graphical results representation, it has been seen that 53.2% of accidents were caused by Rickshaw, 30.6% of them were caused by Van and remaining 16.2% of accidents were caused by Wheelbawow and others. Therefore, some safety measures and long-term recommendations are made to improve the situation of Khulna city.en_US
dc.publisherSonargaon University (SU)en_US
dc.subjectNon-Motorized Vehiclesen_US
dc.subjectDriver Behavioren_US
dc.subjectTraffic control.en_US
dc.titleCharacterizing the Driver Behavior for Non-Motorized Transport in Khulna Metropolitan Cityen_US

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