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dc.contributor.authorGhosh, Angkush Kumar
dc.contributor.authorHossain, Md. Mostofa
dc.description.abstractWith rapid grotvth of population and urbanization, ihe energtt demand is increasing da1, by da1,. Electrical energv is att important colnponent for devebping economlt" Only 40?1, of ou' population has access to electricirl,^. Due to shortage in supply, it becomes important ta conserv^e electrlcity. Although there is restriction to u,se electric heaters, still it is being ttsed in sntall scale in halls, hostels, ruesses etc. Conventional electric heater losses lteat b.y radiatiott throtrgh bottom and by concfuction through the mortar. Heating is not v-ery elJbciive, if tlte air gap beht,een theutensils'bottom and coil plate is not optimized. A comprehensive studl'has been conducted to improve lhe conyen.tional electric heater to redttce energy Heat lc'ss through the bottom antl mortar is reduced by pfiting therntal insulation and a reflectfue cauting. Tltree test specimens have been us'ed to carty out the test with an improvecl healer and a conventional heater. The results reveal that energy cen be saved b,v :5%, 30?:o and l7l4 fit' boiling tt;ater, cctoking rice ancl red lentil respectively. Also, alum.inurn sheet is tisecl instead of white cement and thermal insulation to make the cctnstruction simplet' an-d the peibrnloilce test has been caruied out. it i.s found that when glass u,ool with v:hite ceilxent is used, sove etterg) i,s around 30o/t whereos the same is around 28'% when only aluminum sheet is used. Thtts, bv providing thermal irtsulotion and reflective coating the heat Losses from an electric heater ccut be redtrced significantlyen_US
dc.publisherSonargaon University (SU)en_US
dc.subject: Electric heateen_US
dc.subjectThermal Insulationen_US
dc.subjectReflective coatinen_US
dc.titleImprovement of Conventional Electric Heater to Reduce Energy Loss and Its Performance Testen_US

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