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dc.contributor.authorHuda, s. M. Nurul
dc.contributor.authorchowdhury, Mohammed Mojahid Hossain
dc.contributor.authorMolla, Md. Al-Amin
dc.description.abstractShipping business and industty is as primeval as human civilization. Als'o in Bangladesh shipping business is very ancient. The economic influence ofshipping is undoubtedly great on our economy. But this sector is not as widened as it was expected. This urticle has explored the probable economic aspects oJ'shipping in Bangladesh. It is expecled that the. participation of Bangladesh in the economic ctpportunities created by shipping and marititne actit:ities *'ill have huge benefitfor total ec:onomic welfares. Policy makers should give more emphasis on shipping industry which is the significant part of blue economy. Private sector engagement in thi,c sec:tor will be bene/icial in the long run as withoul private engagement, this sector will not be boomed. The research is an exploratory research based on secondary data'en_US
dc.publisherSonargaon University (SU)en_US
dc.subjectShipping and Shipping industriesen_US
dc.subjecteconomic aspect of shippingen_US
dc.titleAn Economic Analysis of Shipping Industry in Bangladesh: Implications for Sustainable Developmenten_US

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