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dc.contributor.authorMahmud, Raihan
dc.contributor.authorNury, Md. Easin
dc.contributor.authorAlam, Sabbir
dc.contributor.authorIslam;, Md Khairul
dc.contributor.authorHasan, Md. Mehedi
dc.description.abstractDrowsy and drunk driving are the leading cause of accidents worldwide. The greatest strategy to avoid accidents caused by drowsy and drunk drivers is to detect them before they fall asleep and also test their alcohol level. To demonstrate the concept, this study created and develop an IoT-based system to detect the drunk driver and car monitoring utilizing an ESP-8266 microcontroller, an alcohol sensor, IR sensors, and a DC motor. The MQ-3 alcohol sensor is used by the system to continuously monitor the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) to detect the presence of liquor in a driver's exhale. If the sensors detect alcohol on the driver's breath, the ignition will not turn on. In this alcohol measure three steps which are high drunk mood, medium drunk mood, and normal mood. If the driver becomes intoxicated while driving, the sensor will detect alcohol on his breath and authority turn off the engine so that the driver can park the car side of the road. On the other side, the DTH sensor detects the Temperature and the Humidity of the driver. Also, an Air quality measurement was read by the use of MQ135 Air Quality Sensor. Any toxic gas will present inside the vehicle the Sensor will detect the gas. The whole system monitors through IoT via mobile applicationen_US
dc.subjectDesign and Developmenten_US
dc.subjectIoT Based Systemen_US
dc.subjectDetect Drunk Drivers by Car Monitoringen_US
dc.titleDesign and Development of an IoT Based System to Detect Drunk Drivers by Car Monitoringen_US

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