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dc.contributor.authorHasan, Md Nahid
dc.contributor.authorDow, A.N.M. Asamud
dc.contributor.authorRoy, Subrato
dc.contributor.authorFaisal, Md
dc.contributor.authorHossain, Parvez
dc.description.abstractThe COVID-19 pandemic started in the early months of 2020, and COVID-19 variants spread significantly more quickly than the original virus. All around the world, the epidemic is steadily growing. Two families that shared many floors of a building in Fongshan, Kaohsiung, at the same time in June 2021 were infected with COVID-19. According to the investigation's findings, a building's elevator was the most likely location for viral transmission. Elevators, a vital amenity for occupants of high-rise buildings to move vertically, are controlled by pressing buttons. If a person who is carrying a virus enters the elevator without washing or hand-sanitizing, they may accidentally touch their lips, eyes, or nose, which might spread the infection to other people. The lift systems of today need you to select a floor by pushing the lift's button. If someone touches his face while holding diseased hands, side rails and lift buttons pose a risk. Passengers can use their own mobile devices to enter their locations into our system. To eliminate manual work, we provide a solution that uses a mobile application. We also employ motors, node MCUs, and sonar sensors as additional fundamental tools. A QR code in our system is used to give input for the mobile application. The mobile QR code scanner decodes the command, notifying the microcontroller of which floor has to be halted so that people may be conveyed. The user must first enter the lift and scan the QR code there in order to access the lift controls and choose the appropriate level. The passenger instructs the elevator to carry him to his designated location after choosing the proper floor on his smart device. The average trip time on an app basis is faster than on a manual base, saving time. For example, the lift takes 34.41 seconds in the manual base, but 7.49 seconds less in the app ben_US
dc.publisherSonargoan University(SU)en_US
dc.subjectApp Controlled Liften_US
dc.titleFabrication and Performance Test of an App Controlled Liften_US

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