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dc.contributor.authorIslam, Md. Tarequl
dc.contributor.authorParvez, Sohag
dc.contributor.authorMia, Sumon
dc.contributor.authorDas, Sourav
dc.contributor.authorHalim, Md Abdul
dc.description.abstractThis work is primarily about the improvement of current engine home practices by using modern technologies for better weather. This work provides a model of a smart engine cooling system, which helps the people to carry out the work in a engine cooling automatically without the use of much manual inspection. IoT automation is the biggest invention of modern world, we can make life easier by using this system in our life. We have tried to incorporate the modern conveniences of a engine cooling system here. All the data in a display, and That data can be monitored from anywhere in the world through the Internet, using only one software. The above project circuit diagram is a mature circuit diagram that combines all instruments are given and details of all the instruments are given in the project book. As well as being able to monitor engine temperature, engine room cooling temperature and humidity. A fan will automatically turn on and off depending on the temperature. In addition, the water misting system can be turned on and off when additional cooling is needed via the Internet. Water can be supplied to the water block through a water motor which is connected to the engine. Separate water supply, mist supply and fan are make the cooling system through. We learned a lot by doing the project. Water cooler system are used in various industries, which will be useful in our real life ,we gained real knowledge through this project. Project is considered to be a success, even there no fabrication at this stage. Problem statements above will be addressed, the implementation phase pending to conclude the work Economic wise, and this project will be a success because components used are not expensiveen_US
dc.publisherSonargoan University(SU)en_US
dc.subjectEngine Cooling System.en_US
dc.titleIOT Based Engine Cooling System.en_US

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