Human Resource Management Practices in Bangladesh: A Case Study on IDLC Securities Ltd.
As a part of academic requirement and completion of EMBA program, I have been assigned
to complete thesis report on “Human Resource Management Practices in Bangladesh: A case
study on IDLC Securities Ltd.” under my supervisor Md. Masud Rana.
As usual, primary data and secondary data were used to prepare this report. Primary data has
been collected through face-to-face conversation. Secondary data were collected by
Organizational employees, hand book, website, and relevant books. I tried to minimize bias
and produce and unbiased report.
“The HRM Practices” is a slice of human resource process; as such I have selected this topic
to make it clear. I have divided this report in some sub segments.
The report starts with a general introduction of “IDLC Securities Ltd” as well as Origin of the
report, Statement of the research problem, Objective of the report. The Mission and Vision of
IDLC Securities Ltd are also discussed. Then this report proceeds onto the preliminary
discussion about the products of IDLC Securities Ltd. After that I tried to shed a light on the
HR structure of IDLC Securities Ltd. All the function of HR department are briefly described
here. After that I continue on the main focus on “Human Resource Management Practices in
Bangladesh: A case study on IDLC Securities Ltd.” describing the different steps of these.
Starting from identifying the need for new recruitment to final offer, all the steps are well
described with an example. After completion of this report, it can easily be said that efficient,
competent and active part in The Training and Development Process take a company to the
peak of the success
- 2021 - 2025 [22]