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dc.contributor.authorManik Kumar, Manik
dc.contributor.authorMd. Atikur Rahman, Md. Atikur
dc.contributor.authorMd. Rejwan Kabir, Md. Rejwan
dc.contributor.authorMd. Kawser Hamid, Md. Kawser
dc.contributor.authorMd. Roman Patwary, Md. Roman
dc.contributor.authorSharafat Shikdar, Sharafat
dc.description.abstractApplication of automatic traffic signaling system is the most time asking demand for our country, especially for the capital, Dhaka. This will save valuable time of travellers as well as money. A total of 7 intersections of 70 signalized intersections in Dhaka City are namely Farmgate signal, Karwan Bazar, Bangla Motor, Kataban Signal, Shahbagh signal, Science Lab signal, and Panthapath signal are designed in this research work. All these roads lead to School, College, University, Hospital, Bank and many public and private workplaces. These roads are manually controlled by the police. Hence faulty traffic control cycle, pro-long the traffic congestions. This work designed the intersections for automatic traffic signaling system for quick and smooth movement of traffic. After designing it was found that, if the intersections are controlled by signaling system, then on an average, more than 90℅ time is being saved at each road intersection, as compared to manual traffic signaling. It also reduces 60% to 70% vehicle count from queueen_US
dc.publisherSonargaon University (SU)en_US
dc.subjectTraffic Signal Desing For Selected Intersection Points By Vissim Soft Wareen_US
dc.titleTraffic Signal Desing For Selected Intersection Points By Vissim Soft Wareen_US

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