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dc.contributor.authorHoq, Kazi Md. Obaydul
dc.description.abstractTheJirst planfor the Dhaka cil was prepared in l959.Later Dhaka Metropolitan Development Plan (DMDP) was approved in 1997, and pravided the planning policv guidelinefor Dhaka. Open space is the lungs oJ-any ciQ. It is alread.v- recognized that Dhaka has lack of open space which has negative impact on public health, ecolopy and socieQ. Many problem,s have been found during deal and conyersation v,ith concernecl authority to manage this open space properly. In managing the parks and playgrounds tlte concerned authorities are often confronted with insfficient finance and shortage of trained personnel. There is also lack oJ proper co-ordination amottg organizations and institutions ancl Ltsers respotlsible .for the eJfective operation and maintenance of these open spaces. In this study, an invetiot'v o.l'existitg open spaces is preparedfrom GIS data andfield obsenation. Related data oJ evety existirtg open space is collected to prepare a GIS based database. Statistical and spatial analvsis is perfbrmed to derive the status oJ open spaces based on dffirent parameters. Opinions have been collected from a wide varieQ of people such as users, tlotlLtsers ancl experts to identif' problems related to open space creation, management cmd maintenance. The presertt investigation also reveals that the enhancement of the use oJ' diJJbrent neighborhood, intermediate and large-scale parks & playground in Dhaka City Corporation area tould require adequate sec:urity, better maintenance and elJicient management, landscape development and treatment, various J'acilities for children. At present the securitv- and better maintenance are required to improve the number of increasing visits of the people.en_US
dc.publisherSonargaon University (SU)en_US
dc.subjectOpen Spaceen_US
dc.titlePresent Status and Potential Locations of Open Spaces in the Dhaka City Corporation Area: Using GIS Technologyen_US

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