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dc.contributor.authorShamim, Nurmohammad
dc.contributor.authorHossain, Md. Imam
dc.contributor.authorHossain, Md. Kabir
dc.contributor.authorAkter, Rahima
dc.contributor.authorFarah, Abdisamed Mohamed
dc.description.abstractIn this study slender column was analyzed and evaluated using the Finite Element Method (FEM) modeling software ETABS. First the slender column design methods described in ACI code were reviewed manually for one structural model. Then a manual calculation of the slender column design procedure was checked with ETABS. Considering the non-sway column, the steel ratio is 9.22% greater in ETABS design. ETABS used two different approaches to calculate δns as described or required by code. On the other hand, considering sway column, the steel ratio found in 79.60% higher than ETABS. ETABS performed P-∆ analysis approach code specified approach to calculate δs. Considering the different approaches followed by different structural analysis and design software, a designer should take care when using either software.en_US
dc.publisherSonargaon University (SU)en_US
dc.subjectNumerical Analysis Of R.C.C Frameen_US
dc.titleNumerical Analysis Of R.C.C Frame (colum Supported And Shear Wall Supported) Structures Of A Ten Storied Building By Using Etabsen_US

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