dc.description.abstract | An experimentol investigation of natural convection heat trans'fbr in rectangular enclosure /rom
one ioolecl vertical sitli u,all wos carried out. In the erperiment the side v'all was cooled b,v a
thermoelectric ntotl.ule (TEM). The measurements covered the temperatures oJ'the cold plate and
air in the enclosure at clffirent interual of time at 14 dffirent locatiorts. From the temperature
clistribtiiol clata, stratification tvithin the enclosure was obsen,ecl. The strati/iurtion indicator y
tyas estimated at three dit'/brent horizontal distances .from the cold plate for the time inten'al of I 5,
25, 50, 60 and 80 minutes cmclfoun.d to decrea,se with time in the enclosure. Heat tronsJbr rate,
heat transfbr coef.ficient, lVusselt nutnber cmd Rayleigh number were calculated.from the rueasured
experimerial data during transient and steady state regime | en_US |