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dc.contributor.authorKhandaker, Shanta
dc.contributor.authorSojib, Rakib Hasan
dc.contributor.authorHasan, Nadim
dc.contributor.authorRahaman, Md. Ziaur
dc.contributor.authorChami, Pole Akter
dc.description.abstractBangladesh's textile industry is crucial to its economy, with factories built on rivers and canals. The industry became export-oriented in the 1970s and expanded rapidly, leading to increased income and lifestyle changes. Over 300 textile factories have been built in Ashulia, using more water for fabric making. Bangladesh's GDP grew from $6.29 billion in 1972 to $368 billion by 2021, with 82% of exports being ready made garments. As of 2016, Bangladesh is the world's second-largest apparel exporter of Western fast fashion brands. Wastewater treatment plants use collection tanks, screen chambers, dosing tanks, equalization tanks, primary clarifiers, diffused aeration, and secondary clarifiers. Textile industry pollutants can be treated using chemical, biological, and membrane processes. The collection tank collects wastewater from the textile industry, while the screen chamber removes large particles of floating and suspended matter. The equalization tank acts as a buffer to collect raw effluent. The operation of wastewater treatment are screening, equalization, reaction, reserve, oxidation, secondary clarifier, and post-oxidation tanks. The screening unit screens sludge and separates substances particles to produce clothes. Equalization tank ensures homogeneous mixing of water and other substances. Reaction tank adds polymer to hasten the floc formation process and adds lime, serrous, sulphate, and polymer coagulants. Reserve is a large tank that provides enough time to settle down the suspended particles. Primary clarifier removes other floating substances like oil and grease. Oxidation Tank 1 removes organic substances and increases DO value. Secondary Clarifier removes bacteria and increases activated sludge. Post-Oxidation Tank increases DO level and transfers water to the drain, which is sound and safe. Analytical results (Alliance Knit Composite Ltd) of treated liquid effluents all parameters are within acceptable standards as per Environment Conservation Rules 1997.Textile waste water treatment and management are important for reducing pollution, protecting human health, and promoting sustainability. Alliance Knit Composite Ltd wastewater disposal in a river meets regulatory standardsen_US
dc.publisherSonargaon University (SU)en_US
dc.subjectDyeing Industrial Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP)en_US
dc.titlePerformance Study OF Dyeing Industrial Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) Of Savar Ashulia Areaen_US

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