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dc.contributor.authorPusp, Mst. Sonia Akter
dc.contributor.authorRahman, Md. Hasibur
dc.contributor.authorRazu, Md. Jihedul Alam
dc.contributor.authorHossain, Md. Soharab
dc.contributor.authorIslm, Md. Shoriful
dc.description.abstractBus as a means of transport plays a vital role in Dhaka City. For being the cheapest means of transport, people rely heavily on bus service as most of the city dwellers are middle class & lower-class people. Although people rely hugely on bus service but they are not satisfied with the service provided. But still people have to use bus service as they don't have any other option yet. So, considering the present and future condition of bus service, it is very important to assess the existing bus service & improve bus service quality. This study aims to investigate the key service factors affecting bus service quality and explore overall passenger satisfaction on bus service quality. For this study, one simple methodology was taken where to collect data by questionnaire survey & analyze the data. For this study, an interview questionnaire survey was done at 15 major locations of Dhaka City. The questionnaire included a total of 46 service attributes. The questionnaire was well structured where people were asked to give their opinion on different aspects of bus service quality. It also included demographic data about the respondents. After scrutinizing, data having a total of 956 respondents were taken for analysis. The overall passenger satisfaction on bus service was unsatisfactory as 64% of total respondents rated the quality of service as poor & very poor. The result from the study will be of great help to the service providers as it will let them know where they do need modification to improve bus service quality so they can retain current users of the service and attract further users toward the serviceen_US
dc.publisherSoanargaon Universiy (SU)en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseries;BCE- 220713
dc.subjectPredicting And Analyzing Bus Service Quality In Dhaka Cityen_US
dc.titlePredicting And Analyzing Bus Service Quality In Dhaka Cityen_US

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