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dc.contributor.authorHossin, Md. Ripon
dc.contributor.authorAhmed, Md. Moulik
dc.contributor.authorIslam, Riadul
dc.contributor.authorMahmud, Md. Hanif
dc.contributor.authorHossain, Md. Arif
dc.description.abstractThe title of the thesis presented herein, refers the primary objectives that underpin the research work. As a high growing metropolitan city with high population density and increased rate of transportation needs, the Roadway pavement of Dhaka city has to sustain more traffic load than any other cities in Bangladesh. Moreover poor drainage system in most of the city roads accelerates the deterioration of the pavements. For these reasons, regular periodic maintenance has been adopted to keep the roads functional. This study deals with the investigation and identification of road construction faults and cracks before and after reconstruction and compare the results to evaluate the effectiveness of the reconstruction. The pavements are visually assessed and four assessment methods: DSCC, RHD, LGED Method and Texas Innovation Group Method are used. Road construction are selected throughout the Dhaka city to evaluate the effectiveness of reconstruction and increment of life span of the pavements. Before reconstruction, most of the roads were in poor to fair to poor condition. But later a periodic reconstruction after a specific interval, most of them promoted into fair or good condition. Finally, it can be said that, this assessment may prove itself useful for future planning and implementation to ensure effective, comfortable, safe and efficient traffic movement which may lead to a better transportation system throughout the cityen_US
dc.publisherSoanargaon Universiy (SU)en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseries;BCE- 220726
dc.subjectQuality Control Of Road Construction In Dhaka South City Coporationen_US
dc.titleQuality Control Of Road Construction In Dhaka South City Coporationen_US

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